
Screening of Best Available Techniques for Lead Smelting Pollution Prevention and Control

  • 摘要: 分析了国外铅冶炼污染防治的相关政策、欧盟铅冶炼污染防治的最佳可行技术和我国铅冶炼技术现状,并应用层次分析-模糊综合评判法对铅冶炼污染防治技术进行筛选,利用层次分析法确定各评价指标的权重,利用模糊综合评判法进行铅冶炼污染防治技术的评价,通过评价提出铅冶炼污染防治的最佳可行技术工艺组合。


    Abstract: The related policies of lead pollution prevention and control in abroad, the best available techniques (BATs) for lead smelting pollution prevention and control of European Union, and the current smelting techniques of lead in China were briefly analyzed. A method integrating analytical hierarchy process (AHP) with the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation (FCE) was used to screen lead smelting pollution prevention and control technologies. In the method, the weights of various evaluation indices were determined by AHP and the lead smelting pollution prevention and control technologies assessed by FCE. Based on the AHP-FCE, the best feasible technique portfolio of lead smelting pollution prevention and control was put forward.


