
Contaminants of Concern Screening Method in Establishing Screening Levels for Soil Risk Assessment of Contaminated Sites

  • 摘要: 随着经济的快速发展和大规模的城市扩张,我国企业搬迁遗留遗弃污染场地问题日趋严重,如这些场地未经环境调查、评价和修复直接再利用就会存在潜在健康风险。包括场地土壤筛选值在内的系列场地环境评价导则和标准的颁布将会对污染场地管理工作起极大的推动作用。土壤污染是世界性的环境问题,许多国家和地区研究并制定了土壤环境风险评价筛选值,关注污染物的选择是制订筛选值的首要工作。介绍了制订北京市场地土壤环境风险评价筛选值过程中对关注污染物选择的一些经验,以期为未来制订其他城市或地区筛选值时关注污染物的选取提供借鉴。


    Abstract: With the rapid economic development and large-scale urbanization, contaminated sites resulted from dismissed enterprises have been a serious problem in China. The reuse of these contaminated sites may pose threat to human health and local ecosystem if without contamination investigation, risk assessment and remediation. The promulgation of a series of environmental assessment guidelines and standards, including those for site environmental assessment and soil screening levels, would greatly promote the management of contaminated sites. Soil pollution was a global environmental issue and many countries and regions had developed soil screening levels or cleanup objectives. The screening of contaminants of concern (COC) was the principal point of developing soil screening levels. The experience in screening COC during establishing screening levels for soil risk assessment of contaminated sites in Beijing was introduced, which could provide reference for other cities and regions in determining COC.


